JACAT…Japan Clinical Trial Association
Just by rubbing it into your skin...
It was proven that after 6 weeks / 12 weeks of use, unwanted hairs had been removed and skin moisture had increased in both the arms and legs.
【Test results】
It was proven that after 6 weeks / 12 weeks of use, unwanted hairs had been removed and skin moisture had increased in both the arms and legs.
【Test Summary】
・Testers applied the Pineapple and Soy Lotion on the left arm and left leg. Twice a day: Once in the morning and once after bathing.
【Evaluation method】
1.Body hair and skin moisture tested by medical doctors.
2.Core evaluation of participants: thickness of hairs, density of hairs, glossiness of skin.
3.Evaluated by changes seen in 1. and 2.