Things you need to know before getting rid of body hair. Things you need to know before getting rid of body hair.

Things you need
to know
before getting rid
of body hair.

Things you need to know before getting rid of body hair.
Things you need to know before getting rid of body hair.

Kids skin is thin and fragile.

Kids’ bodies are still growing. Young skin is more fragile than adult skin, and often becomes rough when exposed to dry air and harsh outside conditions.

The outer layer of kids’ skin(called stratum corneum)is thin and the amount of sebum(an oily substance produced by your body's sebaceous glands)is less.
When you scratch your skin and break the precious barrier layer, you create a gap for water to escape.
When germs and dust get into this gap, your skin becomes dry and red.

Kids skin is thin and fragile.
Kids skin is thin and fragile.

I understand your concerns for your body hair... But wait!

Although you may be tempted to do so, don't secretly shave your body hair with a razor!

Kids skin is thinner and weaker than adult skin. Using a razor might hurt your skin and make it itchy and red.
Even worse is that you could even injure yourself.
If you’re really concerned about your hair, don’t rush – talk to an adult first.

I understand your concerns for your body hair... But wait!
I understand your concerns for your body hair... But wait!

To parents and guardians

The first step is to listen to the child's concerns.

If your kids seem to be concerned or worried about their body hair, please listen to their concerns first. It is important to take them seriously;
don’t rush to conclusion by saying “you don’t have to worry” or “okay, let’s remove your hair!”. Oftentimes, having someone listen to their concerns calms the child down and reduces their anxiety.

Got further concerns?
We are happy to provide consultation.

SUZUKI HERB LABORATORY customer help desk

  • Many of our staff have children themselves.
  • We often get questions and concerns from parents.
    We provide consultation that is perfectly suited for each child.
  • We never force it on our customers to buy our products.