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Brand overview

“How to make it effective” rather than “How to sell”.
For people who have skin problems to feel actual result.

I initially started developing products using herbs so that I could help my daughter who was suffering from terrible skin problems. She experienced severe itchiness that disrupted her sleep. We tried all sorts of things for her skin such as folk remedies and traditional Chinese medicine, and finally came across herbs. This product using herbs that saved my daughter eventually became popular through word of mouth.

Meanwhile, people started asking me for advice on treating unwanted hair and that’s how we came to develop the “Pineapple and Soy Milk Hair Removal Cream” and “Pineapple and Soy Milk Lotion”. After thinking long and hard about people with skin problems, we are confident to introduce these products that focus only on good ingredients and effectiveness.

In an effort to make our products “effective”, we renewed them 8 times in 14 years. To this day, we continue with our research in the hope of improving our products.

So that YOU can be yourself more.
Pineapple and Soy Milk Lotion has been improved over time giving its effectiveness priority and has become our long-time, best-selling product which today we receive customer testimonials every day for.

We also conduct eight tests to ensure that it is gentle on the skin so that people with sensitive skin can also use it without problems.

If you are experiencing problems with unwanted hair, please do give our product a try.
Every time you apply it on your skin, you will feel the difference. It has always been on our minds to help people who have problems with unwanted hair. Now we provide you the results of *19 years of research.

*December 2023

Company overview

We deliver skincare products that have been created through looking to the potentiality of natural herbs from a scientific point of view

The founder started Suzuki Herb Laboratory by developing a lotion that focused on the power of herbs so that she could help cure her child who was suffering from atopic dermatitis. The reputation of the lotion spread by word of mouth, which then led to the establishment of the business in 2004.

From ancient times, herbs have been used as medical remedies and have withstood harsh and changing environments over hundreds and thousands of years. Throughout time, they have evolved to store healing powers to combat various health issues.

We focus on the powers of herbs and reconsider their efficacy that humans cannot create, testing them one by one with the eyes of modern science. We deliver skincare products that awaken the power that naturally resides in your skin without damaging it.

Company name Suzuki Herb Laboratory Co., Ltd.
Address 2461 Muramatsu, Tokaimura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1112 JAPAN⇒Map
Representative Sachiyo Suzuki
Capital 3 million yen
Employees 30
Description of business ・Development and sales of skincare products 
・Breed improvement, cultivation and sales of herbs 
・Providing courses, lectures, and writing about herbs